There’s a new buzzworthy term in the industry and it goes by the abbreviation FPGA. So, what is this FPGA and why has it become trendy?
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Jeff Boccaccio
Jeff Boccaccio's Recent Articles
HDMI Power Management Issues Continue to Haunt Integrators
As we’ve entered into full 8K and 10K resolutions, these AOC devices can pull even more power, starving its supply bus and causing failures to occur.
Test Driving the New Murideo 8K Seven-G Field HDMI Generator
The new Imaging Science Foundation-certified 8K SEVEN HDMI generator from Murideo incorporates more than 1,000 test patterns.
Headroom Issues? Make Sure Your Components Are Pulling Their Weight
While AOCs have long been viewed as a savior for long-distance HDMI systems, its important to remember the entire chain must work together properly for the system to function.
When HDMI Products Fail to Meet Certification Claims
How is it that certified products manage to perform so differently from what they claim? Jeff Boccaccio of JPL labs weighs in on the phenomenon.
Digging into Active Device Discrepancies with Apple TV
If the transmission line was capable of handling the entire 18Gbps envelope, there really should not be any issue, right?
The New Slippery Slope of HDMI
HDMI 48Gbps specification performance variables increase substantially in areas once considered noncritical.
The Confusion Surrounding HDMI Specification Revisions
HDM specification revisions (like tossing Rev 2.0 into 2.1) are natural, but can they also be cause for concern?
DPL Labs Finds Active Devices Still Out of Power Range
Some active optical cables (AOC) manufacturers have been unable to keep up with the power requirements necessary for these types of cables, leading to mislabeled and sometimes false claims.