Businesses now have total deferment of 30 months from the date of the note, but loan interest will continue to accrue during the deferment.
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Rodney Bosch
Rodney Bosch's Recent Articles
AT&T Suggests Temporary Workaround to 3G Sunset
AT&T reached an agreement with T-Mobile to create a roaming bridge, effectively extending 3G service until July 1 for security and alarm companies.
Research Predicts Semiconductor Shortages to Persist Well Into 2022
A survey of chipmakers finds a significant mismatch between supply and demand for chips and expects semiconductor shortages to continue during 2022.
Recapping Insights, Tips, and Pics From 2021 Total Tech Summit
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President Biden Signs Secure Equipment Act, Increasing Restrictions on Foreign Security Products
The new law requires the FCC to no longer review or approve any authorization application for equipment that poses an unacceptable risk to national security.
Senate Passes Secure Equipment Act to Protect US Telecomm Industry
The Secure Equipment Act bans Chinese tech firms like Hikvision and Huawei from receiving new equipment licenses, with those company’s associated products now considered security risks.
Marketing Maven Shows Integrators Importance of Attracting New Customers By Being Different
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Napco Outperforms Q4 Earnings and Revenue Estimates
Thanks to recurring service revenues increasing by 43%, Napco exceeded its forecasting earnings for Q4 2021.
SBA Updates COVID-19 Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program
Due to a rise in Delta variant cases, the Small Business Administration has decided to provide additional aid to small businesses across the country.