NYC Integrator Sage AV’s Wise Decisions Achieve Lab 18 Project Success
Indoor golf center Lab 18 looked for simple-to-use, high-performance, and entertaining technology; Sage AV scored a major win.
Dec 13, 2023
Sony’s EZ20L Series Brings More Options to BRAVIA Commercial Displays
The newly announced EZ20L series of BRAVIA Professional displays can be used for applications that include retail and corporate.
Nov 06, 2023
4KAmazonBrightSignCommercial OfficesConference RoomsDigital SignageGamingHikvisionLight CommercialLogitechLoungeMatroxMicroLEDMultipurposePhilips HueSamsungShureSomfySonosURC
217-Inch MicroLED Display Brings Much Needed Versatility to Ganem MX Lounge
SmartXp develops an expansive system for this commercial space that ‘shines in its adaptability in both daylight and nighttime settings.’
Nov 03, 2023
AcousticsCEDIA Expo 2023commercial AVCommercial Integrator Expo 2023Digital SignageEducationResimercialUnified Communications (UC)
3 AV Sessions to Catch at Commercial Integrator Expo
At the upcoming Commercial Integrator Expo show in Denver on Sept. 7-9, attendees can take part in educational sessions that focus on topics such as digital signage, acoustics and unified communications.
Aug 29, 2023
8K AssociationCEDIA ExpoCEDIA Expo 2023DelosDigital SignageDiracIMCCAKaadasLiving in Place InstituteLutronNiceSnap OneSurgeX
CEDIA Expo’s Smart Stage Schedule Covers All the Bases
This year’s Smart Stage schedule, sponsored overall by Nice, includes panel discussions on lighting, trade relationships, MDU market, digital signage, power management, 8K video and more – plus our CE Pro BEST and Home of the Year Awards presenta